

Our website has been made so that YOU can advertise your product free of charge to prospective buyers.
All that we ask is that you offer a service in to our buyers:
  • If you are a hotel and you want pre-qualified buyers to come and view your hotel with the intention of placing business you can offer hosted dinner bed and breakfast.
  • If you are a DMC you can offer to arrange transport and sightseeing and help us to pull a visit together in your area
  • If you are a restaurant you can offer a dinner
  • If you are a venue you can offer an evening of champagne and canapes
We are flexible so tell us what you want and if we can we will do it. Tell us what you want or can supply to our investors/ buyers

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"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

- Robin Findlay, CEO, Famtrips And Inspection Visits